
Some More Vision Stuff

Here is my vision for RateItAll:

A place where you can find, share, or solicit opinions on any topic.

A place where you can meet and interact with people that share your passions.

A place where you can share in the advertising revenue associated with your content contributions.

A place where you own and control your own content completely - you can edit, add, delete, and otherwise manage all of your content

A place from where you can distribute your opinions to destinations all over the Web. In other words, a place from which you can take your content with you as you leave your imprint on the Web.

A place where reputation is transparent - where you can click through to any site member's profile page and view a complete record of their site activities.

A place where you can leave any time you want - including the complete removal of your account.

We're not there yet on all of these points, but we're making progress. RateItAll's lawyer is working on a revised Terms of Service as we speak. We are adding in tools for account removal, and deletion of Weblists. And we will be reinstituting the delete comments tool for Weblist owners.

Until we get these tools up on the site, if anyone needs help with account removal, deletion of Weblists, etc - please let me know.

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