
RateItAll Blog Directory is Now Live

Ok, we've just launched the RateItAll Blog Directory.

This is meant to be a comprehensive directory of blogs of all flavors. So far, we've got about 75 in the blog directory, with most of them concentrated in Political Blogs and Technology Blogs.

I'd like to ask your help in submitting (and rating) your favorite blogs for inclusion into the directory. As always, to submit a new listing, just go to the appropriate ratings list page and click on the light bulb icon. We are currently accepting any blog, as long as it has a new entry within the last week.

If this takes off, I think it could be a neat way to find interesting blogs, as well as to compare blogs one against another. Obviously, it could be a great way for blog owners to drive traffic....


  1. one i like: postsecret.blogspot.com
    cool premise

  2. I second the motion on postsecret. That's one freaky blog.

