
How New Items Are Approved on RateItAll

We handle new item suggestions in V3 a little bit differently than we did previously.

In V3, any new item suggestion - whether you add it to somebody's list, to a RateItAll list, or using our new "rate anything" feature - the new item is immediately created. You can rate the item, you can share the url of the item with your friends, and you will immediately see the new item / review show up in your "my feed" view. No approval required for this part.

However, there still is an approval process - either by the list owner, or by RateItAll admins. An approved item will show up in search, on the list, and in the My Feed and Everyone's Feed views. As with the previous site, if the list owner does not respond to a new item suggestion within a few days, we will step in and approve the item.


  1. Any progress (or plan) on restoring functionality, like ratings badges, widget links, and RSS feed content?

  2. Greg, they are in the queue. I'll post an update when I have it.

  3. RSS feeds are fixed, and will be rolled to production this evening.

  4. Thanks for the RSS feed fix. Working perfectly once again.

    After cocktails, can we please have badges again? (Wink)

