
Claim Your Blog on RateItAll

We've recently introduced "claiming" functionality on RateItAll for blogs, websites, and local businesses. If you have a blog listed on RateItAll in our blog directory (as I know a number of you do), click the green button that says "This is my Business."

All sorts of wonderful things happen when you do this:

- You will have editorial control of the pictures, links, and description associated with your blog listing
- You will be able to grab one of our GORGEOUS "Loved on RateItAll" badges, as seen in the sidebar of this blog, or in the screenshot below
- You will be able, if you want to, to buy additional exposure for your blog, local business, or website

Claiming your blog is free, as are the badges. Let me know if you get stuck.

If you have not yet added your blog to RateItAll, you can do so here.


  1. Very cool feature. I tried it out and signed up using FB Connect. There were a few times I got "Error" -- but in the end everything worked nicely.

    The badge is now live on my blog, too. Just wondering if there is a way to actually sign in using my new RIA username with a new password... or do I have to always sign in using FB connect? (When I try to change current PW, it says existing PW was incorrect...)

    Have a great day,

  2. Michael,

    Thanks for trying it out.

    Currently, if you join with Facebook Connect, there is no way to change your password - you'll need to continue to sign in with FB Connect.

    We have an idea for a fix for this, but it may be a while.

  3. recently came accross your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I dont know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.



