
RateItAll Economy - Easy Sign Up

Remember the RateItAll Economy Program? The program that lets you make money for things like publishing Weblists, adding new listing to existing lists, creating a profile page with a picture, and referring friends?

Well we just made it a lot easier for existing RateItAll members to sign up for this program.

Here's what you do to get started:

1) Go to your profile page

2) Click on the "Edit / Delete My Account" link

3) Check the box that says "Sign Me Up For Google Adsense So I Can Earn Cash"

4) Click "Save Your Account Information"

That's it. You're ready to start earning cash.

Google will send you an email to confirm your Google Adsense account - you should be able to start tracking your earnings within a few days.

Let me know if you have questions.

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