
Interesting Exchange About RIA Economy

I just had an interesting exchange with an RIA member about the RateItAll Economy program.

Here's the gist - realizing that he can make money by referring new members to RateItAll via the invite friends tool, this member asked me if there was a link available that he could put on his blog inviting his readers to join his trusted network on RateItAll.

In other words, he didn't want to send email to his friends, he wanted readers of his blog to be able to join RIA at their discretion via a link on his blog.

Of course, if any of his readers clicked through on the invitation link and became contributing members of the RIA community, he would earn a 10% ad rotation share going forward on the pages that they contribute.

Here's what we discovered: when you click the "Invite Friends to Join RateItAll," link on your profile page, and click "Send Invitation," the tool generates a personalized link in the email that goes to your friend that tracks back to your account.

This personalized link does two things:

1) it tells the RateItAll system that anybody clicking through that link and registering for RateItAll should immediately be added to your trusted network (and you should immediately be added to theirs)

2) it tells the RateItAll system that you should earn 10% ad rotations on all qualifying contributions of the new member, for the purposes of the RIA Economy program.

So, if you're looking for a link to add to your blog or MySpace profile that invites your readers to join your RIA network, here's what you should do:

1) Send yourself an invitation to join your own RateItAll Trusted Network
2) Copy and paste the link in the invitation email that you receive (from yourself) into your blog or MySpace profile.

Btw, if anybody reading this does not yet have a RateItAll account and wants to join my RIA trusted network, they can do so here!

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