
More Weblist Discussion

For the truly hardcore RIA users.... lots of Weblist philosophy going on in the comments here. A lot of it from me.

1 comment:

  1. I used to post and visit very regularly an online community dedicated to Jane Austen. www.pemberley.com
    Discussion was rampan but the moderator roles there were very strict about the guidelines re: civility and sitetiquette (as made sense for a site dedicated to Austen). Anyhow, the site has dedicated pages including one for "ramblings" anything that doesn't fit anywhere else. if someone posts on the wrong page a moderator asks them to repost and deletes. You could provide for a "ramblings" forum in addition to lists, weblists and rate local. perhaps a lot easier to do is not feature lists that violate rules on the front page. let people find them on their own without RIA endorsement? peace

