
Merry Xmas / Happy Holidays

Hi everybody, first 25 people to send a message to lawrence from their RateItAll account get their choice of one of the new RIA t-shirts displayed here on the sidebar.

Here's the info I need:

name and address where you want the shirt sent
size, model, and color of shirt (probably easiest to send me the Zazzle URL)

That's it - if you want to send me a quick note to lock up the shirt, and then figure out what style you want, that's fine.

Feel free to tell your favorite RIA reviewer to check the blog.

I really wish I could buy everybody a shirt... but they're expensive, and I'm broke.

1 comment:

  1. vudija, click through for pricing. i think they're like $18 (all the cash goes to the vendor, none to RIA. but there's still a few more freebies left... put your order in here: rateitall.com/lawrence

