
We Are Now Sharing Revenue on Reviews

We can add writing reviews to the list of things we are sharing revenue on as part of the RateItAll Economy program.

Here is the complete list of ways to make money on RateItAll:

Writing a review (you get 50% of Google ad rotations)
Creating a profile with a picture (you get 100% of Google ad rotations)
Creating a Weblist (you get 50% of Google ad rotations)
Adding a Listing to a Ratings List (you get 50% of Google ad rotations)
Inviting Friends to Join (you get 10% rotations on pages they contribute)

They way we are including reviews into this program is by giving each review its own url. In addition to letting us share revenue, this structure will enable some other cool stuff like:

- Share this review with a friend
- Flag this review as inappropriate
- Rebut this review

All of these things should be turned on in the next few weeks.

As always with these sorts of changes, we will be tweaking things over the next few days to make stuff is working properly.

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