
RateItAll Economy - February Earnings

Some cash earnings from the RateItAll Economy program are being posted HERE. RateItAll Economy participants should feel free to add their own earnings to this list.

I'm encouraged so far... we haven't even integrated revenue sharing on actual reviews yet, and people are making money. We're working very hard to include reviews themselves into this program - the plan is to launch a review rebuttal feature simultaneously through which people can debate specific reviews. So, when each review has it's own url, we'll be able to serve Google advertisements "belonging" to the reviewer on those specific pages. We're a couple weeks away, but it's coming.

There's some good stuff on the horizon folks, and I'm hopeful that in the not so distant future, hundreds, if not thousands of RateItAll reviewers will at least be making enough to pay for their monthly Internet connection.


  1. Re: rebuttal commentary

    This one's going to be interesting to see. Again, I'm still kind of skeptical about the whole "message board" feel, I'd still probably use it.

  2. The idea is to make it so rebuttals and responses to specific reviews don't infect the reviews themselves.

    It seems logical to me that an especially well thought out or controversial should generate a discussion - I just want to make sure that there's a place for that discussion to happen.

    Although as I know, new features often have unintended consequences... we shall see what happens.

